Cynthia Magelitz
Comm 406
Women, Gender Roles and
Magazine Advertisements
Advertisements especially in magazines and on billboards for as long as I can remember have always been a source of influence within American society. Women are portrayed as the weaker sex and men are strong and resilient to the elements of harsh reality. Unfortunately and more often than most advertiser would not be willing to admit to gender roles in any type of advertising and that gender roles are truly exaggerated. In the video, Codes of Gender, director and narrator Sut Jhally points out how we, as Americans, especially our young adults, are influenced by advertising agencies to over look the controversy in the advertisement by directing the attention to what sells the product, which is sex and glamor through the approach of an artistic view of the product. Today’s advertisements are more pervasive, and highly errotic especially for women. In the series Killing Us Softly 4, Jean Kilbourne points out that advertising is and always has been especially destructive towards women and not just for women in the United States but for women across the globe.
Figure 1 The caption states: The pickle, long live the French Cuisine

Figure 2 Advertisement for Hummer with two Russian women
This advertisement is for Hummer. The women are not only sexy but masculine and the Hummer in the back ground is the phallic symbol between them. This type of stereotyping leads to a negative perspectives for women not just for the Western culture but for women worldwide. This leads the viewer, especially women to believe that driving a Hummer is not only sexy but dangerously exciting. This clearly sends a message about masculine power and emphasizes the relationship between gender relationships without using a male model but instead using the car as the masculine force. The danger is that this type of advertising sends a sad message to our young women that they are only attractive if they are incredibly sexy and have a gangsta mentality at the same time.
In the past women had been taught that they must be lady like and accept the conditions of life without question. Women were to be dainty, submissive, and weak. When women where finally allowed to enter into universities in the late Nineteen hundreds it was not just to get a degree and go out into the work force it was also to find a man to settle down with and spend the rest of their life serving this man and the family they would create together. Women where taught that love comes at any cost and to accept their husbands discipline as a form of submission to accepting who is in charge or face being thrown out into the streets to fend for themselves. Thank goodness women started to see the light and realize that no normal individual should live in fear of their significant other just because society approves of this type of relationship discipline.
.Figure 3 Advertisement from Maybelline, 1970's
Clearly the woman pictured is content with her black eye and willing to accept spousal abuse. Shame on Maybelline for even promoting such a controversial issue as this being acceptable because there is nothing acceptable about spousal abuse. This ad tells women that their roll in the marriage or relationship is to be submissive and it is better to accept the domination because Maybelline offers the perfect concealer with micro minerals to help the abused woman continue living the life in a perfect relationship, concealing to anyone that there is a form of abuse taking place. Maybelline is suggesting with this advertisement that the abused individual should concel it and get on with life but just don't do anything to upset your significant other but if you do Maybelline is there to help. This clearly sends the wrong message to women by stating one should accept the abuse. Maybelline surely feels that there is a market for this product simply because they want to help the abused hide the ugly truth and clearly no indication that Maybelline feels relationship abuse is wrong, unacceptable and should never be toloreated in any form, physical or mental.
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